Ecopreneurs are passionate about creating the change they want to see in the world. Being an ecopreneur includes the same struggles and highs that normal entrepreneurs experience but with the added incentive of making the world a more sustainable place.

— Nick Stamatiou

How Can I Become One?

What do they see that entrepreneurs don’t? Financiers perceive three driving forces behind any business venture: First is the Management, second is the Opportunity, and third is the Resources. The manner in which these three have synergism (or lack thereof), dominates a financier’s assessment.

What are the driving forces behind Ecopreneurship?

  1. Growth of Global Population: It is well-known that the land and resources are limited now. It is vital to make sure that the availability of resources must be sufficient to meet the current generation’s requirements and the next generation. 
  1. Increase in life expectancy: The life of the whole of humankind is the main motive of Ecopreneurs, not only their Kith and Kin’s life. They want to live a healthy and long life for everyone, so they illustrate some distinctive ways to grow life expectancy like organic food, water should be purified, and so on.
  1. Change in Climate: Our lives on the earth’s planet are highly affected by numerous climate changes, and it impacts us badly. The way we work, study, and play adversely affects climate change. To exemplify, the air gets polluted because of fossil fuel usage, which has negative impacts on the climate and weather.
  1. Less availability of resources: A great issue is the decline of natural resources as the resources decrease day by day. It is not possible to sustain without natural resources. 
  1. Less equality: The world is divided into two different parts: one part that has the availability of all the necessary resources such as better quality of food, water, and shelter. Simultaneously, the other part comprises humanity, who do not have enough resources to live.

What is climate change

Climate change is a change in the usual weather found in a place. This could be a change in how much rain a place usually gets in a year. Or it could be a change in a place’s usual temperature for a month or season.

Climate change is also a change in Earth’s climate. This could be a change in Earth’s usual temperature. Or it could be a change in where rain and snow usually fall on Earth. Weather can change in just a few hours. Climate takes hundreds or even millions of years to change.

What is the evidence that shows the climate is changing?

Earth’s climate is always changing. There have been times when Earth’s climate has been warmer than it is now. There have been times when it has been cooler. These times can last thousands or millions of years.

People who study Earth see that Earth’s climate is getting warmer. Earth’s temperature has gone up about one degree Fahrenheit in the last 100 years. This may not seem like much. But small changes in Earth’s temperature can have big effects.

Some effects are already happening. Warming of Earth’s climate has caused some snow and ice to melt. The warming also has caused oceans to rise. And it has changed the timing of when certain plants grow.

How do we know humans are causing climate change?

Put simply, here’s what we know for sure:

  • We know that carbon dioxide (and other greenhouse gases) trap heat in the Earth’s atmosphere.
  • And we know that humans are burning fossil fuels, releasing huge amounts of carbon pollution and trapping more and more heat in the atmosphere.
  • There’s only one conclusion: humans are the primary reason we see our climate changing today.\