Professional Services

Fiver gigs you can buy to help get your side hustle business off the ground on the cheap. This is perfect for bootstrappers without a lot of capital to play with!

The Best Fiverr Gigs Before You Launch

Before you even start your eco-business, there are some great Fiverr gigs that can set you up for success down the road.

Startup Checklist and Project Plan

Marty Koenig’s checklist has been downloaded over 1500 times and can be a good starting point for everything you need to think about as you get started. 

The seller is a certified Project Management Professional and business consultant. His report can help you consider new marketing ideas and other issues startups face in getting their ideas off the ground.

Market Research

Professional market researcher rahul2111 offers comprehensive research gigs that include competitor analysis (pricing, revenue, marketing strategy), industry trends, customer segmentation, and more.

Business Name

To help you brainstorm the right name for your business, check out yungniglas for a list of potential brand names.

Business Plan

With over 1000 positive reviews, this business plan agency has the experience to prepare a relevant, investor-ready plan for your business from $234.

The Best Fiverr Gigs to Set Up Your Business

Once you’ve finished your business plan, the market research and a name decided on, the fun starts.

Now I’ll go on the record as saying stuff like logos and business cards probably aren’t what you should focus on at the very beginning (go get a customer instead!), but if checking these items off your list gives you the confidence to move forward, by all means, go for it!

Custom Logo Design

Top-Rated Fiverr seller actualreviewnet  has delivered thousands of custom logo designs starting at just $10. You can check out their portfolio to get a sense of their design style and order a logo representing your brand.

Business Cards

Even in today’s digital world, if your business relies in any way on connecting with potential clients or partners in person, business cards are still a must-have.

Check out the business card design for affordable custom cards to make a good first impression.

Website Set-Up

Website set-up may mean different things to different people. I’m a bit of a do-it-yourselfer, and it’s pretty straightforward and affordable to set up your site using WordPress.

Website Design

If you do not love the off-the-shelf templates and themes available, you might consider hiring alinam1. She’s got over 2000 5-star reviews for her WordPress set-up, design, and customization gig.

All her sites are mobile-friendly, and you can easily add your content when she’s done.

The Best Fiverr Gigs for Building Out and Optimizing Your Website

Fiverr has a ton of technically qualified sellers and web developers willing to do small jobs and website tweaks starting at just $5.

One seller I’ve ordered from several times is WordPress SEO. It’s a US-based account that offers WordPress installations, migrations, bug fixes, SEO reports, and more. They’re swift and affordable and have completed thousands of orders.

Install Google Analytics

After you’ve got your site online, you’ll probably want to install Google Analytics to see how many people are stopping by.

Create a Custom Favicon

A favicon is the mini graphic on each browser tab; on this site it’s the silhouette of the man running with the briefcase.

Don’t look like a rookie with the default favicon from your host!

Instead, hire Jonathan to turn your existing logo into a favicon to improve your site’s credibility.

Make an Explainer Video

Fiverr is a great place to turn for “explainer” videos, the 30-90 second overview of what your business does.

Uniquefivex and MrExplainer are two of the top-rated sellers, but each seller in this category has their unique style and specialty, so shop around and find one that fits your brand and vision.

For the most budget-friendly options, be prepared to create your own script and narration.

Set Up Email at Your Domain

Nothing says unprofessional, like using your old Hotmail account to correspond with potential partners and clients.

Get an email address like [email protected] to look more legit. It’s not hard to do on your own, but it’s not expensive to hire one to do it for you.

Improve Your Website’s Speed

How fast (or slow) your site loads could be an important factor in whether people choose to do business with your or give up and bounce back to wherever they came from.

Site speed is an SEO ranking factor in Google and a plain ol’ smart thing to care about for the sake of your visitors.

Years ago, I hired this guy for all my sites and was happy with the results. He knows his stuff.

Get Honest User Feedback

As a Fiverr seller, a video website review gig was one of my most popular offerings.

You can find dozens of providers offering similar services today. It can be a really affordable way to do market research and get valuable feedback on how real people interact with your site.

The Best Fiverr Gigs for Marketing

There are many marketing professionals freelancing on Fiverr, and I’ve used several to create social media and video assets for my sites.

Marketing Consultation

Two-time Side Hustle Show guest Alex Genadinik offers an affordable marketing consultation gig on Fiverr, where he’ll get on a Skype call with you one-on-one and help develop a personalized marketing plan.

Video Intros

Another category Fiverr excels at is creating cool animated video intros with your logo. I’ve bought these myself for a couple of different sites of mine.


Infographics are popular items to share on social media (especially Pinterest) and can be an effective SEO strategy, but they’re hard to do well.

This is another area where I wouldn’t necessarily go bargain shopping, but take a look at the portfolios from some of the top-rated infographic sellers to find someone who consistently creates great work.

Social Media Images

It can be time-consuming to create graphics for your business, like Pinterest pins, Facebook featured images, Twitter cover art, YouTube thumbnails, and stuff like that.

You can do it yourself with a tool like PicMonkey or find a social media designer that fits your style and focuses on what you do best.

The Best Fiverr Gigs for Administrative Support

Sometimes you find yourself with a one-off question or project and aren’t sure where to turn. If the work doesn’t justify a full-time hire or even an ongoing part-time role, it might make sense to see what you can get done on Fiverr.

Virtual Assistants

I haven’t had a ton of luck personally with Fiverr virtual assistants, but some are very highly rated.

You’ll find rates as low as $1 an hour (really??), and you can ask these VAs to do research, data entry, file conversions, or pretty much any other tedious little task you can think of.

Legal Questions

Under the legal category on Fiverr, you’ll find sellers who can help with your privacy policy, your patent and trademark applications, draft contracts for you, and more.

Tax Questions

Before I started working with a dedicated accountant, I turned to Fiverr when I was struggling to figure out the right number to put in a certain box on my business return.

Seller Taxhelp is a top-rated accountant who pointed me in the right direction.

The Best Fiverr Gigs for E-Commerce Sellers

Whether you have an e-commerce store of your own or you’re selling private label products on Amazon, there are a number of Fiverr services that can help you make more sales.

Product Photography

The first impression most people will have of your product online is its photography. Are your product shots representing the item and the brand well?

A friend recommended seller dcoufal, who’s completed more than 2000 product photo shoots starting at just $5.

Product Packaging Design

For many Amazon FBA sellers, the product packaging design is the last thing they consider when launching a new product. And it’s true, in the range of things that matter most, this is probably pretty low on the list since someone usually will have already bought your product before they ever see the package.

Still, your packaging can be shown in your Amazon listing and signal whether your product is a premium brand or a commodity product. When people open their package at home, what impressions will they have right out of the gate based on the packaging?

Check out some of the top-rated packaging designers on Fiverr to find one that’s a fit for your business.

Product Video

One cool way to showcase your product is with a video.

Professional videographers produce high-quality “cinematic” product videos that give potential buyers a 360-degree view of your product.

Product Descriptions

If you are looking for product descriptions. There are many excellent sellers with thousands of completed gigs.

What NOT to Buy on Fiverr

While there are lots of things you can order on Fiverr that will help your business, there are definitely some services to avoid too.


A number of gigs promise thousands of “real” visitors to your website in a matter of days or hours.

I’m not sure exactly how these gigs work, but one thing is certain: you won’t make any sales or find long-term readers from this influx of traffic.

Similarly, in the past you could buy thousands of followers for your social media accounts, though Fiverr seems to have cracked down on these worthless gigs.

Most SEO Services

I would stay away from any gigs offering to build links to your site, as they could do more harm than good.

Gigs that focus on SEO audits/reports and on-page optimization should be safe.

Content (Unless from Fiverr Pro)

I’ll admit I’ve been lured in by the promise of cheap article writing on Fiverr, but I’ve come to believe writing is definitely something you get what you pay for.

All of the articles I got back required editing (some more than others), but as Google has improved, I think it makes the most sense to either write something awesome yourself or pay a great writer to create that content for you.

At least that’s my take; I haven’t found any shortcuts to great content that drives results.